Re-Imagining the Workplace with AI: A Future Full of Potential
Posted by Senti AI
March 19, 2020

“A machine as your virtual assistant, actively planning your schedule in real time. An analytics tool that can calculate millions of thousands of numbers within the second. A disaster-management technology that can be used to prepare and track for calamities and accidents …”
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a well-encompassing force that is saturating all of our day-to-day activities. In the workplace, AI has become a self-learning tool that aids capturing and analyzing the processes that human beings find difficulty in doing. In like manner, there is a challenge when a life would be at risk. These challenges hinder human workers because of the work’s repetitiveness, routinary and rule-driven practices. AI will further enable many workers of today to focus on the most important parts of their work: leading and strategizing their team to effective and functional roles; maintaining the affinity for compassion to those around them; and, determining correct reason and logic to push ahead of complications or blocks to progress.
In fact, human beings’ association with AI could go both ways. They are joined in forces with achieving the goals of functional results; while, the existing workflows are well-handed by the AI in the workplace. If a company employs a machine and human workforce, there are greater chances of an enhanced and uniformed relay of responsibilities. In the event that one of them is sidetracked, the other would still work in finishing their combined tasks.
Let us go back to the ‘daydream’ at the start. In order to accomplish those scenarios in the future, our workers of today need to reskill and upskill their existing strengths. The company must create materials to have those types of skills. It is, also, very important for the company itself to assess the jobs that can automate with machines; those tasks that can complement AI. The company needs to revisit every work done in the past to be accurate and error-free. To strategize and review the processes which have been taken and used.
With this new era, AI will change how people will relate to one another. The perception of man will evolve into what really means to be alive. There is a definite correlation between what an AI can imitate in every part of our lives and a person’s capacity. This renders a scene that it can be as advanced with the right stimulation it can get from its human workers.
Therefore, we need to have a humanized way of sharing and communicating data to the machines itself. We must evaluate and complement their shortcomings with our existing abilities. Also, recognizing the bigger picture would contribute to working with an AI.
Shaping Industries in the Philippines
In the next five years, AI will become a wide-spread entity on the way Filipinos will work on a regular basis.
BPO and telecommunication companies will likely become compelled to perform more systematically. Voice-based services will still be there, but it will be both enabled by AI and its human counterparts. Furthermore, AI will assist in the faster delivery of service, like overseeing complaints and speeding up operations which will build better responses and prompt actions.
Insurance and Finance markets will be much more active. AI will enable a coherent and smooth customized platform which will be fitted to each of their customers. There will be faster claims of settlements which will increase qualified applications.
In the Health scene, there will also be an increase in the way data collection is processed and handled. AI will, likewise, be integrated to small businesses. There will be an economical and service-oriented factor that will deliver prime results. As a result, it would be beneficial for the human workforce to be prepared to work with intelligent machines.
Working with AI is Inevitable
It is happening right now as we speak. Since AI is becoming more and more universal, we should immerse ourselves into those markets who are not afraid of working with intelligent machines, like Japan and the United States. We must, then, integrate AI into our organizations; re-imagine the process of having competent and skilled AIs that will soon be adopted in a few years. We should start immediately to prepare our workforce to work with machines. By revisiting the tasks that can complement AI and further strategize on how AI can be used, then we are all set to a future with working with Artificial Intelligence.
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